Reasons Why Your Visa Application May Be Rejected

Applying for visa is a necessity for international travels. Getting your visa rejected could be agonizing, after spending hours completing the registration process. Your visa application could be turned down for different reasons, which the consulate/ embassy will state in the visa rejection notice you’ll be issued.

Getting a visa refusal could crash your hopes of traveling to your destination and also to future destinations as well. Here are common reasons for visa rejection, so you’ll be careful when applying.

Reasons Why Your Visa Application May Be Rejected


• Not Adhering to the Visa Rules

Most visa refusal reasons result from not following visa application guidelines. A Visa application is a stepwise process and should be followed properly. Travel visa application is an immigration component and immigration is a serious aspect of a country’s security. Immigration departments of different nations set rules, keeping this in mind. Generally, visas are declined because of failure to follow procedures.

• Information Mismatch

If any information mentioned on the visa application form does not match your travel documents, your application will be rejected. This can occur when the form is filled hastily. You should ensure your information is tallied in all your application documents.

• Poor Visa Interview

Attending an interview is one of the procedures involved in the visa application. Your visa interview plays an important role in determining the outcome of your application. A poor visa interview will most likely lead to a visa rejection. This includes nervousness during the interview, delaying to reply to questions, fidgeting, and not being able to communicate properly with the interviewer. When going for your visa interview, you need to go prepared and should be able to answer questions without hesitation.

• Providing Forged Documents

When noticed, this will result in immediate visa refusal. Once you have made an application, the visa authorities will perform a thorough check to ensure the validity of the application documents. If found to be fake, you will be issued a visa rejection notice and may be banned from applying for a specific time.

• Submitting Incomplete Application Form

Turning in an incomplete application form may result in your visa being rejected. Every column in the application form is an important question and must be filled. Providing wrong information also leads to visa refusal. To avoid this, you need to check the form before submitting it.

IMPORTANT: For questions that don’t apply to you, do not leave them blank. It is suitable to fill in ‘N/A’.

• Unfavorable Previous Travel History

Your visa may be rejected if you have a poor traveling history. This includes having a visa rejection from that country or other countries, overstaying in that country past the allowed duration according to visa type, or involving in activities not allowed for a specific visa type in previous visits.

• Criminal Record

Finally, having a criminal record may lead to visa rejection. As said earlier, travel visa application is an immigration component and immigration is a serious aspect of a country’s security. By possessing a criminal history, you may be seen as a threat by your destination country. If you have a clear criminal record, you will have no issue regarding this.

Applying for a visa can be stressful. Getting your visa rejected, is agonizing. You have to be careful so as not to be disqualified due to any of the mentioned reasons.

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