Peter Obi’s Speech at Chatham House

Obi during his manifesto at chatham house

The independent policy institute Chatham House, also known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs, has its main office in London. Its claimed goals are to offer analysis of current events and answers to world problems. It is where the Chatham House Rule first appeared.

The goal of Chatham House, a renowned global policy center, is to assist governments and communities in creating a world that is secure, wealthy, and just over the long term.


Mr. Peter Obi the Labour Party (LP) presidential candidate, ahead of the upcoming election, he was at the Chatham House, London, to speak about his manifesto.

How did Nigeria experience such a severe economic downturn that we surpassed India as the nation with the largest concentration of the world’s truly poor? Nigeria has a 63% poverty rate, with 133 million people classed as multidimensionally poor, compared to India’s 16% poverty rate. This must change because it is intolerable! Nigeria needs a Great Escape because, as Princeton University professor and 2015 Nobel Prize winner in Economics Angus Deaton explained, health and education are what make the difference between the rich and the poor. But what gives a society access to high-quality healthcare and educational systems? According to Professor Donald Jacobs of the Kellogg School of Management, committed and focused leadership can create and maintain public wealth.

In many respects, this is the core of my words today, which have their roots in my childhood, especially my mother’s advice to live a life of positive effect and manage both private and public resources wisely for the development of the society and sustainable/inclusive progress. It was the guiding concept of my administration as governor of Anambra State in Nigeria, which resulted in a performance that was highly applauded and was rewarded with a number of expensive accolades. Some of the honors were given for remarkable performance in relation to important Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which are now known as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). I am being guided and inspired to volunteer to serve in a New Nigeria by the same advice and concept!

Peter Obi and his runnig mate Yusuf Baba-Ahmed Datti


Yusuf Datti Baba, senator My running mate Ahmed and I are dedicated to a new kind of politics that is based on the morals of servant leaders and built upon the union of good intentions and dexterous work. We are aware that unless our political leadership is changed, we will be locked in this horrific underdevelopment and misery. In order to make our institutions fit for purpose, we shall reform them in a patriotic manner, especially those that are directly in charge of carrying out governmental programs. There is no denying that Nigeria is gifted with some of the world’s most entrepreneurial young people in the fields of science, business, art, and entertainment. According to our assessment, the leadership class needs to transition from being predators to producers of value.

Peter Obi speaks on Insecuities, IPOB and others

The Labour Party’s nominee for president, Peter Obi, has shared his strategy for combating the Biafra movement, particularly that of the banned secessionist organization IPOB.

During a Monday speech at Chatham House in London, he disclosed the information.

“I will converse and debate with every agitator. There is nothing wrong with that; I’ve talked to folks who are agitated even in my home, he replied in response to a query.

Mr. Obi claims that the agitations are a result of years of poor leadership, which he promised would be resolved by good governance.

The presidential candidate stated, “Datti and I are talking about how when people start seeing justice, fairness, an inclusive government, and doing the right thing, all those things will start reversing themselves.

While denouncing all agitators, he maintained that the causes of the widespread agitations must be taken into consideration. We have the Yoruba nation in addition to the IPOB.

Insecurities and Tribal marginalization

When asked a similar question about how he intended to address the security issue and ethnic tension in Nigeria, Mr. Obi responded that the reasons for the current ethnic conflicts in Nigeria are injustice, unfairness, exclusion, and marginalization.

“You start seeing those things go down as long as we start doing the right thing, as long as we start developing an inclusive society; where people’s talent and hard work meet their opportunity,” Mr. Obi added.

According to him, Nigeria faces an existential challenge that precludes the use of the customary transactional leadership. You can choose to live in Nigeria or find another nation, but not both.

Mr. Obi stated that, if elected, his administration’s top priority will be security. Nigerian security is not insurmountable. It won’t be any different because I secured Anambra State as governor,” he declared.


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