FCTA Takes Pre-Emptive Measures Against Diphtheria Disease

pictorial representation of recommended antibiotics for diptheria

The Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Executive Committee has ordered all pertinent health agencies to take all necessary preventive measures against the outbreak of the deadly children disease known as diphtheria.

An individual’s nose, throat, and occasionally skin are affected by the deadly bacterial infection known as diphtheria, which is brought on by the Corynebacterium species of bacteria.

A substantial, greyish membrane that covers the tonsils and throat. throat discomfort and hoarseness. enlarged lymph nodes and swollen glands in the neck. breathing difficulty or fast breathing.

Adults over 60 and children under 5 are more at risk for contracting it. People who are malnourished, live in crowded or unsanitary surroundings, and children and adults without the most recent vaccines are also at risk.

Respiratory diphtheria is brought on by the diphtheria bacteria, which can enter the body through the mouth and nose. It is spread from one person to another through respiratory secretions or by breathing in droplets contaminated with diphtheria germs when a sick person coughs or sneezes.

To reduce the possibility of the disease spreading within the territory, the Health and Human Services Secretariat of the FCT Administration is further instructed to guarantee heightened surveillance, awareness development, and sensitization by all relevant authorities.

This instruction was given by the FCT committee at its meeting on Monday in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, according to a statement signed by Mohammed Hazat, the FCTA’s director of information and communication.

It urged the FCT Health and Human Services Secretariat to communicate with the Area Council Services Secretariat and the Chairmen of the Territory’s six Area Councils in order to call an emergency meeting right away with the necessary technical Partners and develop strategies to deal with the disease.

The organism known as Corynebacterium diphtheria causes the bacterial infection known as diphtheria, which typically affects unvaccinated children and people with low immunity in their throat, nose, and occasionally their skin. Fever, runny nose, sore throat, cough, red eyes, swollen neck, and breathing difficulties are further signs of the illness.

The ease with which droplets from coughing or sneezing, contact with contaminated clothing and items, and direct contact with sick individuals can spread diphtheria highlights the significance of hygiene and environmental cleanliness in prevention. Unvaccinated people, those who live in congested areas or in places with poor sanitation are the ones who are most at danger.

Children are urged to complete the National Childhood Immunization Schedule’s prescribed three doses of the Pentavalent vaccination to lower their risk of developing the disease. Despite the expectation that at least 95% of all children will be immunized, the FCT’s immunization coverage now stands at 83%, compared to the national average of 57%. This will help to stop the spread of disease.

As cases have been reported in certain states around the FCT, the meeting urged the Health and Human Services Secretariat to mobilize the cooperation of all stakeholders and ensure widespread sensitization of all populations to further reduce the risk of catching the illness.

Due to security concerns, the EXCO further ordered the Abuja Metropolitan Management Council (AMMC) to limit the activities of the Point of Sales (POS) operators dispersed around the Federal Capital City to exclusively commercial zones.

“POS is a commercial enterprise, and as such, should only be done in the specified commercial locations,” it stated.

In addition to having an impact on security, POS operators’ operations also produce environmental annoyances since they draw in other economic activity, which leads to the production of unchecked garbage.

The EXCO emphasized once more the value that the current FCT Administration leadership places on the safety and welfare of the citizens. It promised to take all necessary precautions to protect every Nigerian living in Abuja, including visitors.

The FCT Permanent Secretary, Olusade Adesola, the FCT Minister’s Chief of Staff, Mallam Muhammad Mai-Borno, Secretaries of the FCT Mandate Secretariats, and other Directors were present at the FCT EXCO meeting, which was presided over by Mallam Muhammad Bello, the FCT Minister.

How does diphtheria cause death?

Because the germs that cause it create a potent toxin, diphtheria is harmful (poison). The poison destroys the cells in the throat, nose, and mouth. It doesn’t take long for the dead cells to accumulate and form a membrane that can cling to the throat and cause choking to occur.

How long does diphtheria last?

How long is diphtheria contagious? In 7 to 10 days, the issue is typically resolved, either positively or negatively. There can occasionally be long-term side effects include brain damage, paralysis, or arthritis.

Is diphtheria an STD?

While cutaneous diphtheria frequently occurs from mild injuries, typical respiratory diphtheria is spread by droplets. The first instance of sexually transmitted diphtheria in a patient with non-gonococcal urethritis following orogenital contact is described in this study.


Antibiotics. Erythromycin or penicillin are suggested antibiotics for cutaneous or respiratory diphtheria.

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